The entire process to apply for Canadian Permanent Resident via Express Entry may come across as convoluted and overwhelming. But it is straightforward if you divide your process into relevant parts and stay vigilant of certain deadlines. Our road map is designed by keeping such aspects in mind (Caution: our road map is specific to our requirements and hence you may have to tweak this to best fit your needs).
There are THREE parts to this process:
1. Submitting Express Entry Profile
2. Waiting for ITA
3. After ITA, responding to ITA (i.e. applying for PR)
Now let's get into each of these in detail and finally reveal our road map.
1. Submitting Express Entry Profile
The two most important things that you will need to do before you may submit your Express Entry profile is give Language Test (IELTS in our case) and get your educational credentials evaluated.
We have chosen to opt for IELTS. Both of us have no French skills (other official language of Canada than English). Since we're in United States, paper-based IELTS is the only option. Based on my research, there are only two dates available each month! The results according to IELTS website will be available within 13 days.
In addition to booking a date for the test (I have to do for both myself and my spouse), let's get ECA (Education Credentials Assessment) performed by an accredited organization. This may take almost a month, if not over! Remember, you will have to ALSO request official transcripts from your school (ECA organization will NOT do it for you!). So let's get this going.
2. Waiting for ITA
Now that you're content with your language test results and have received proper ECA reports, you may submit your Express Entry profile. Please note that I will go into each of these processes as I experience them and will highlight any blind spots.
As soon as you have submitted Express Entry profile, start gathering documents because some of them will take time. The most important ones (and trickiest) are criminal background clearance and reference letter from work.
I have been in US since 20 years, therefore, all I need is FBI clearance. And based on my research, this process has been recently streamlined and results may be available within a matter of days, if not sooner! However, my spouse, because she had been in India within the past 10 years (see rules for police certificates), has to obtain police clearance from there in addition to from FBI.
In addition to references from work, get other critical documents in order. At this time I do not have the document checklist (you receive one after submitting Express Entry) but birth certificates, marriage certificate, immigration documents of country of residence (if country of residence is different from country of citizenship - like in our case!), etc.
The bottom line is that as soon as you receive an ITA, the only thing that should be left is to schedule an appointment for your medical exam and get that done. You should be in a position to upload ALL requirement documents (remember you will have a checklist as soon as you submit your profile into Express Entry) the day you receive your ITA.
3. Responding to ITA (applying for PR)
Once you receive your ITA, by that time you should be near the goalpost!. You have 60 days to respond to ITA. Looks like this duration has been updated to 60 days from 90 days as I have seen the latter mentioned in most YouTube tutorials.
Schedule your medical exam. Based on my research, I have seen only two clinics in neighboring state that are qualified.
I have not included PNP component to my road map at this time. If PNP gets involved, I will update my road map as well.
Next post will be about the actual Road Map. Road Map will contain tasks, status, and timelines. I will update road map periodically as we move through the timeline.